Thursday, March 22, 2012

Jan Skácel - Seeking cobwebs

Jan Skácel - Seeking cobwebs
(Vyhledávání pavučin)

Decaying tiny spooks live in their stumps
they enjoy living there
as if the time was still made of wood
And all soup spoons
all bridges
and all oak ridges

Behind the wasp nest if you don't ask
you may find that squelched place
where on the lea dances
the god of ants
It's him who with his dance destroys the world

On his six legs he dances from time immemorial
and for the dance that he performs
he threw away his hands
He has nobody
who would wipe sweat from his forehead

He is alone and he alone thumps himself down
to the bottom of creation
and little snails
on the borders of the lea are inching
to their slimy distances

Already millions of years the god of ants
all covered with sweat
and with worried face
does that hard work
On his six legs with his dance he destroys the world

And all soup spoons
all bridges
and all oak ridges

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